Social services and guidance
What is your situation?
- Have no money for food, housing or other expenses
You may be entitled to financial support from NAV if you do not have money for food, housing or other necessary expenses.
Your rights
- Have no place to live
NAV can help you to find a temporary accommodation in an emergency if you cannot manage this yourself.
Your rights
- Need advice and guidance
Du kan få veiledning hos NAV for å forebygge og løse utfordringer du har. Det kan for eksempel være utfordringer med økonomi, arbeid, bosituasjon, hjemmeforhold, omsorg for barn eller andre ting.
Your rights
- Need financial advice and debt counselling
NAV can give you advice on your personal finances and problems with debt. The service is free.
Your rights
- Er berørt av krigen i Ukraina
Du kan få hjelp fra NAV når du er flyktning.
Your rights
Call us at 55 55 33 33
Open weekdays at 9–15. We can call you back if the waiting time is over 5 min.
Find your local NAV office
Search for a NAV office using postal code or city.