How to
Fill in employment status form – employment scheme benefits
To receive employment scheme benefits, you must submit an employment status form every 14 days.
You fill in and submit the employment status form online.
Don’t forget to wait for confirmation that we have received your form before you close your browser.
If you are unable to log in and submit the form digitally, you can print out the employment status form on paper and mail it in.
If you submit the employment status form on paper, you are responsible for keeping track of the deadline, and you must specify which 14-day period the form covers.
It will also take longer before you receive payment, because the form will have to be registered manually.
In this chapter
We need the information you give us on the form to calculate payment of your employment scheme benefits. To receive the right payment, it is important that you fill in your employment status form correctly and submit it in time.
When you fill in the employment status form, you must answer 5 questions.
If you have worked in the 14-day period the form covers, you must answer “yes” and list all the hours you worked each day.
You can work alongside the employment scheme without deductions in the benefit payment, as long as you participate in the scheme as agreed.
You will not receive employment scheme benefits if you
- were absent from the scheme because of work
- received wages while you participated in the scheme
If you were absent from the employment scheme because you were working, you must also answer “yes” and list all the days you worked under “other absence” on question 4.
If you have agreed with NAV to participate in employment schemes, training, education or other activities, you must answer “yes” and tick the boxes for all the days you participated in the agreed activity.
If you participated in the scheme daily, you must specify that you have participated every day, all week (Monday through Friday).
Even if you were absent from the scheme, you must tick the box for participation if your absence was due to
- other activities agreed with NAV
- the scheme being closed on a public holiday
- the scheme being closed due to general holiday closing on the part of the scheme organiser
You must answer “yes” and list all days you were absent from the scheme because
- you were sick
- your children og your child carer were sick
Remember to notify the scheme organiser of your absence on the first day you are sick.
If you have not been absent due to sickness, answer “no”.
When will absence due to sickness lead to reduced payment?
You will be paid the full benefit for the first 3 days you are sick. If you are sick more than 3 days, you will receive 75 percent of the full benefit payment for the rest of the employer liability period. The employer liability period is a total of 16 business days.
You need a sick note from a physician, a medical certificate for your child or confirmation from the child carer from day 4 to get employment scheme benefits for more than 3 days.
You must answer “yes” and list all days you were absent from the employment scheme, for instance if you
- were working
- were on holiday other than planned holiday periods for the employment scheme
If you received wages while participating in the scheme, you must also specify that you were absent for the days this applies to.
Remember to notify the scheme organiser on the first day you are absent.
When should I not report that I was absent?
You should not list days that you were absent if your absence was due to
- other activities agreed with NAV
- the scheme being closed on a public holiday
- the scheme being closed due to general holiday closing on the part of the scheme organiser
You may be entitled to employment scheme benefits for if you are absent
If you are absent for any reason except your own sickness, and your absence has not been approved by NAV, deductions will normally be made from your employment scheme benefit.
It is important that you always inform your NAV advisor if you are absent because there are some exceptions to this rule.
Approved reasons for being absent, which will not lead to a reduction in your benefit payment, include:
- job interviews
- appointment in the public health care service
You can report your absence by contacting us.
You must be able to document the reason for your absence for it to be approved. If your advisor subsequently approves your absence, you will receive back payment for the days you were absent.
If you still want to participate in the employment scheme or get help from NAV to find a job, you must answer “yes”. This applies regardless of whether you are receiving employment scheme benefits from NAV.
What happens if you answer “no”?
If you answer “no”, your NAV advisor will usually contact you before we potentially remove you from the register of job seekers and terminate your employment scheme benefits.
If you are removed from the register of job seekers, you will
- lose the right to employment scheme benefits, and your payments will be terminated
- stop receiving employment status forms
- not be offered jobs, employment scheme participation or any other help from NAV in finding employment
Have we terminated your employment scheme benefits?
If we have terminated your employment scheme benefits and removed you from the register of job seekers, and you want to start receiving employment scheme benefits again, you must
- re-register as a job seeker (in Norwegian)
- submit a new application for employment scheme benefits
You can also contact us for help.
If you made a mistake on an employment status form you have sent in earlier, you must correct the mistake and resend the form as soon as possible.
How to correct mistakes:
- Log in to the overview of previous employment status forms.
- Choose the form you need to correct.
- Correct the mistake and resend the employment status form.
If you are unable to correct your employment status form online, please contact us for help.
When you correct a mistake on an employment status form you have already sent in, we will recalculate to see if your payment was too high or too low.
If you got paid the wrong amount, we will either pay what owe you, or ask you to pay us back if you were paid too much.
How long this process takes can vary, and we will contact you if we need more information.
You must submit an employment status form every 14 days.
Log in to My Page to see
- when your next employment status form is due
- which 14-day period the employment status form covers
An employment status form covers a period of 14 days, and you should submit it as soon as the period is over. The sooner you submit the form, the sooner you will get your payment, and you avoid the risk of deductions because you submitted your form too late.
Final deadline to avoid deductions
The final deadline for submitting the employment status form is 23:00 Monday one week after the form’s 14-day period is over.
The payment is made approximately 2–3 days after we receive your employment status form.
Log in to Your Payments (in Norwegian) to see an overview of all your payments.
If you believe your payment is too high or too low, you must notify us as soon as possible.
How much you get paid depends, among other things, on whether
- you were absent because of work
- you were sick
- you were on holiday or absent for other reasons
- your employment scheme benefits expired during the period
- you had any other deductions
If you have received an incorrect amount because you made a mistake on your form, you must correct the previously submitted employment status form and resubmit it.
If deductions have been made from your payment that you do not understand or believe are incorrect, please contact us.
What happens if you received an incorrect amount?
If the amount you received was incorrect, we will either pay we owe you, or claim reimbursement from you for the excess amount you received.
If you believe your payment was too low, or we made incorrect deductions, please contact us so we can check your case.
If you believe we have made an error, you can also submit a complaint.
How to submit a complaint:
- Fill in the form: Complain against decision
- Specify that your appeal concerns employment status form.
Read more about your right to complain.
Updated 05/30/2024
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